Anima Guides
If you are experiencing issues with Anima, please use the below troubleshooting guides before contacting the surgery for assistance.
How do I register for an Anima account as a patient.docx
How do I log into my Anima account.docx
How do I add a dependant onto my account.docx
How to submit a medical request at your surgery.docx
How to submit an admin request at your surgery.docx
Further guides can be found here:
Book your flu jab now
Booking is now open for our 2024 flu vaccination clinics!
Are you
- Over 65 (or turn 65 before 31/03/2025)
- A carer in receipt of carers allowance or the main carer for an elderly or disabled person
- A frontline worker in a social care setting
Or are you aged 18-64 in one of the following clinical risk groups
- Asthma or COPD
- Chronic heart and vascular disease
- Chronic kidney disease
- Chronic liver disease
- Chronic neurological disease
- Diabetes or adrenal insufficiency
- Asplenic or dysfunction of the spleen
- Immunosuppression
- BMI over 40
If so you are elible for a free flu vaccination on the NHS... don’t delay get your appointment booked now to ensure protection.
Our dedicated flu vaccination clinic will be held on Saturday 5th October with mid-week clinics commencing the following week. We are unable to offer any routine vaccinations prior to 3rd October due to the latest NHS England guidance.
Contact Us
Danetre Medical Practice
London Road
NN11 4DY
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 8:00am - 6:30pm
Telephone line - 01327 703333 between 8.00am - 6.00pm
You can cancel an appointment by: Responding to the text reminder, using the NHS App, calling the main telephone line prior to your appointment or emailing the below email address.
General enquiries email danetremedical.practice@nhs.net
Prescription queries email repeatmeds@nhs.net
Danetre Medical Practice has a free car park for our patients to use located to the left of the main enterance. However, cars parked here are left at their own risk.
Please also be mindful the car park is communal between us, the hospital and the nursery located on site and as a result at times can become extremely busy.
Enhanced Access
Did you know we now offer Enhanced Access appointments? These are appointments available every 3rd Saturday between 9am-5pm and selected evenings per week between 6:30pm-8:00pm.
We also offer routine GP appointments and specialised clinics to help with accessibility for those who find it difficult to attend appointments during our core opening hours.
For more information and to book an appointment please contact the practice to find out our next availabilty.
(Please note that appointments are all routine and pre-booked only and will be subject to availabilty)
Armed Forces Community Hubs
The Armed Forces Community Hubs are currently no longer running, however if you are a current or past member of the Armed Forces Community and feel you would like to gain advise and support, you can get in touch with the team by:
Emailing Covenant.NCC@westnorthants.gov.uk OR Please call 07741 684 647.
If you are a military veteran and feel you require more support, please visit our Veterans page for more information.
Social Media
Keep up to date with all things going on at Danetre Medical Practice, by following our Facebook Page!
Try the NHS App!
If you are a patient at our practice, you can use the NHS App to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.
It doesn’t replace existing services and you can still contact us in the usual ways.
However, once you have verified your identity in the app, you will have easy, 24/7 access to a growing range of health services and information.
Such as:
- order repeat prescriptions
- access NHS 111 online
- find NHS services
- view your health records
- book appointments
- and much more…
For more information, please visit our dedicated NHS App page.

Pharmacy First
The Pharmacy First scheme will allow most chemists in England to issue prescriptions to patients without appointments or referrals.
It will save GP surgeries an estimated 10 million appoitments a yer (3.3%).
Please visit our prescriptions page for further information.
RSV Vaccine
NHS Friends and Family
We want to ensure that as many people as possible are able to use our website. We have tried to make sure that website text is as simple as possible to understand and that all accessibility compliance standards are met. However we do understand that there may be some areas which are not fully accessible.
For further information please see our accessibility information here.
We are always looking to improve the accessibility of our website and content is reviewed quarterly by practice staff, our supplier or by a third party.
IGPM Campaign
Danetre Medical Practice operates a zero tolerance approach with regards to the abuse of our staff.
Please see the connected video from the Institute of General Practice Management highlighting the abuse that many staff members receive on a daily basis across General Practice. Please treat our staff with respect, we are all here to help.
Meet The Team
Welcome message from Jo Gilford - Practice Manager
Welcome to Danetre Medical Practice
Here at Danetre Medical Practice we are a compassionate and committed provider of clinical excellence.
Our staff are motivated to achieve their maximum potential and deliver diverse, local and patient centred services.
To ensure we provide first-rate, cost effective healthcare we work closely with our patients and listen to what they have to say. After all, patients are the key part of any Medical Practice so we take pride in giving them a voice.
The Practice itself is located in close proximity to Daventry Town centre in a modern building adjoining Danetre Hospital (a community hospital which opened in September 2006) offering a wide range of services and delivering a high standard of care.
Also attached to the Practice operating independently is Boots Chemist.
Contained within the site is a purpose built free car parking provision for visitors and staff.
All employers are expected to park within the car parks adjacent to the boundary of the site allowing the car parks nearer the Practice and Hospital to be used by patients visiting the site.

Jo Gilford
Accredited GP Training Practice

Dr Trudy Lewis is a qualified trainer within the practice
General Practice Training
Danetre Medical Practice participates in the General Practice Vocational Training Scheme, whereby fully qualified doctors wishing to enter general practice receive three years’ further training. From time to time one of these doctors (GP registrars) will be based here for a period of up to 12 months and will be available for consultations. Dr Trudy Lewis is the qualified trainer.
At any time if you do not wish to have a trainee GP or medical student observing at your consultation please feel free to bring this to the attention of the receptionist or GP. At no time will this decision prejudice your care with us.
As part of their training the GP registrars have to video record some of their consultations as part of their assessment. You may be asked by the receptionists if you would be happy to take part in this if you have an appointment with the GP registrar. At any time you are able to say “no” to being videotaped and this will not prejudice the way your consultation is viewed or handled in any way.
If you are happy to be videotaped the receptionist will ask you to read a letter about the process and to sign a consent form. At the end of your consultation, if you don’t wish the tape to be used, you can state this and the tape will be erased.

Patient Comments
A lovely message was left for us on social media.....
"Big thank you to Danetre Medical Practice from calling up, doctor calling me back to standing in the chemist collecting medicine for my sons ear infection.... hour and half....well done and thank you. Appreciate how busy you all are."