Self Care Medications
The NHS are no longer able to routinely prescribe medication for minor ailments.
This includes medication for hayfever and other minor illnesses and ailments where medication is available for purchase over the counter.
More info is available at
For a handy leaflet explaining things further, please download the following: 1a-over-the-counter-leaflet-v1.pdf
Support from your Pharmacy
Your local pharmacy is now offering clinical advice and treatment for more conditions than ever before.
You can now now get care for a variety of minor illnesses including urinary as well as blood pressure checks and oral contraception. Please see the below list of illnesses your Pharmacist can help with:
- Blood pressure checks
- Oral contraception
- Lateral flow device testing for COVID-19
- Impetige (Part of the Pharmacy First Scheme)
- Infected insect bites (Part of the Pharmacy First Scheme)
- Middle Ear Inflammation (Part of the Pharmacy First Scheme)
- Singles (Part of the Pharmacy First Scheme)
- Sinusitis (Part of the Pharmacy First Scheme)
- Sore Throat (Part of the Pharmacy First Scheme)
- Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections (Part of the Pharmacy First Scheme)
People needing medical care across Northamptonshire are now able to get professional clinical advice and treatment at a place more convenient for them as part of a new service called Pharmacy First.
Repeat Prescriptions
What is a Repeat Prescription?
A repeat prescription is a medication that is required on a regular basis which has been authorised by a GP.
How do I make a Repeat Prescription Request?
You can request a repeat prescription via one of the following methods:
- by posting your repeat slip to the surgery,
- by using our online services (Please click here to log in)
- by emailing
- by downloading and registering for the NHS app
We cannot take repeat prescription requests over the telephone as we require a paper-trail of all requests for our records. However, if you have a query about your prescription please call us on 01327 703333 and press Option 2 between 10.00am and 1.00pm or between 3.30pm and 4.30pm where we will be able to assist.
Please Note: Repeat prescriptions will arrive at your chosen pharmacy within 3 full working days but may not be dispensed until you call at the pharmacy to collect.

Why can't I get a prescription for an over-the-counter medicine?
A GP, nurse or pharmacist will generally not give you a prescription for over-the-counter (OTC) medicines for a range of minor health conditions.
This is because of government policy to reduce the amount of money the NHS spends on prescriptions for treating minor conditions that usually get better on their own.
Instead, OTC medicines are available to buy in a pharmacy or supermarket. Find your nearest pharmacy.
The team of health professionals at your local pharmacy can offer help and clinical advice to manage minor health concerns. If your symptoms suggest it's more serious, they'll ensure you get the care you need.
You can buy OTC medicines for any of these conditions:
- acute sore throat
- minor burns and scalds
- conjunctivitis
- mild cystitis
- coughs, colds and nasal congestion
- mild dry skin
- cradle cap
- mild irritant dermatitis
- dandruff
- mild to moderate hay fever
- diarrhoea (adults)
- dry eyes and sore tired eyes
- mouth ulcers
- earwax
- nappy rash
- excessive sweating
- infant colic
- sunburn
- infrequent cold sores of the lip
- sun protection
- infrequent constipation
- teething or mild toothache
- infrequent migraine
- threadworms
- insect bites and stings
- travel sickness
- mild acne
- warts and verrucas
- haemorrhoids (piles)
- oral thrush
- head lice
- prevention of tooth decay
- indigestion and heartburn
- ringworm or athlete's foot
- minor pain, discomfort and fever (such as aches and sprains, headache, period pain, and back pain)
For information on how these conditions are treated, look up your condition in the health A to Z.
Prescription Requests & Enquiries
- Email -
- Online services if you are registered to use it
- Downloading and registering for the NHS app
HRT Request
Did you know you don't have to speak to your GP to request further supplies of your HRT medication.
If you already taking HRT and you are happy with your current medication and do not wish to discuss any changes or reviews to this please just download and complete the form below and email to
Your GP will then review this request and this will be sent to your usual pharmacy within 5 working days. If there are any further questions or your GP needs any additional information we will contact you.
If you are looking to start HRT medication or feel that you need to have your current medication reviewed please contact the surgery on 01327 703333 to arrange a telephone consultation with your GP.
Contraceptive Pill Request
Did you know you don't need an appointment if you would like to request more of your contraceptive pill.
Please just download the contraceptive pill request form here, complete and email to
Your GP will then review this and send your prescription to your usual pharmacy for collection within 7 working days. If any more information is needed we will contact you.
Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)
The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is an NHS service that gives you the chance to change how your GP sends your prescription to the place you collect your medicines or appliances from. If you collect your repeat prescriptions from your GP you will not have to visit your GP practice to pick up your paper prescription. Instead, your GP will send it electronically to the place you choose, saving you time.
If you want to collect your medicines from the same place or GP practice every time this service may appeal to you. For this service to work you need to choose a place for your GP practice to electronically send your prescription to. This is called nomination. You can choose:
- a local pharmacy
- an online delivery service
- a dispensing appliance contractor (if you use one)
Ask any pharmacy or dispensing appliance contractor that offers EPS or your GP practice to add your nomination for you. If you want to change or cancel your nomination speak to any pharmacist or dispensing appliance contractor that offers EPS, or your GP practice. Tell them before your next prescription is due or your prescription may be sent to the wrong place.
Your electronic prescription will be seen by the same people in GP practices, pharmacies and NHS prescription payment and fraud agencies that see your paper prescription now meaning that your information is in safe hands. Sometimes dispensers may see that you have nominated another dispenser. For example, if you forget who you have nominated and ask them to check or, if you have nominated more than one dispenser. Dispensers will also see all the items on your reorder slip if you are on repeat prescriptions.
For more information visit, your pharmacy or GP practice.

Hospital Requests
When you are discharged from hospital you should normally receive 7 days’ supply of medication.
On receipt of your medication requirements, which will be issued to you by the hospital, please either email this to the surgery at or post via a stamped addressed envelope before your supply of medication has run out.
Hospital requests for change of medication will be checked by the GP first, and if necessary your doctor will issue you with a prescription. The Practice will endeavour to issue you with your prescription within 5 working days, but it cannot be issued until your medical details are checked by the doctor.
The doctors will review your medication, regularly, which may involve changes to your tablets, in accordance with current policies. Please be reassured that this will not affect your treatment.