Clinics We Offer

Patients with Asthma will be asked to attend an annual asthma review which will involve:
- A full discussion about their medicine and any side effects
- The checking of inhaler technique (s)
- Agreeing a personal asthma action plan.
- Support in understanding their triggers and monitoring their asthma symptoms
- Educating them in knowing how to respond when their asthma gets worse.
- Ensuring they know what to do if they have an asthma attack.
Key objectives of the Practice are to:
- To empower people with asthma and their families to manage their condition
- To develop a partnership approach with your asthma nurse/doctor
- To ensure a high standard of care and treatment
More information can be found on the NHS website

COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It is the name used to describe a number of conditions, including bronchitis and emphysema, where people have difficulty breathing because of long term damage to their lungs.
COPD leads to damaged airways in the lungs, causing them to become narrower and making it harder for air to get in and out of the lungs, the word “chronic” means that the problem is long term.
If you have COPD, we will call you yearly for a check-up or annual review. You can discuss your medication and the nurse will assess your inhaler technique. Perform a Spirometry test to assess your lung function and ask how your lung condition affects your life regular reviews allow monitoring of the severity of your COPD, and gives an opportunity for health promotion such as help with stopping smoking or weight control.
For further information please see the British Lung Foundation website.

Diabetes Clinics
The practice runs a diabetic clinic every week. There is a local support group for patients with diabetes, please follow this link:
Daventry and District Diabetes UK
Diabetes Multi-Disciplinary Team
Also available in Northamptonshire is the “Diabetes Multi-Disciplinary Team” who promote care closer to home and provide seamless service between acute & primary care. Their focus is to enable people with diabetes to remain healthy by working collaboratively to promote self-management and avoid acute and long term complications of diabetes.

Heart Disease
Heart disease can be managed effectively with a combination of lifestyle changes, medicine and, in some cases, surgery.
With the right treatment, the symptoms of heart disease can be reduced and the functioning of the heart improved.
More information can be found on the NHS website

Baby Clinic
There is no longer a drop-in baby clinic at Danetre Hospital. Instead you can now contact the Health Visiting Team on 0800 170 7055. They also have a dedicated Facebook page with lots of advice and further contact information

Childhood Immunisations
When your childid due for their routine vaccinations you will receive a letter to inform you which vaccinatios are due and invite you to book your vaccination appointment with our Practice Nurses in our Treatment Room.
Our childhood vaccination clinics are held on a Tuesday from 1:30pm - 4:30pm and a Thursday morning from 9:00am - 11:30am. If you are unable to attend during these times please discuss this with our Patient Services Team when you call in and we will try to accomodate you.
Family Planning, Sexual Health and Contraception
We offer a range of family planning services at Danetre Medical Practice.
All our doctors are qualified to provide advice and prescriptions for a range of contraception including the following:
- combined oral contraceptive pill
- progesterone only pill (mini pill)
- contraceptive injection
- free emergency contraception
- Coil/Nexplanon insertion
To discuss your options please contact the practice to arrange a telephone consultation with one of our GPs.
For routine follow up of your contraceptive please please complete our contraceptive pill request form opposite. If you are under the age of 16 years please arrange a telephone consultation with one of our GPs who will be happy to discuss this with you.
Dr Butler is qualified to fit coils (including the mirena coil) and insert and remove the contraceptive implant.
Vasectomy services (male sterilisation) are offered by Dr Lewis.
Dr Viira is a GP with a special interest in genitourinary medicine and can offer more specialist advice regarding sexual health.
Contraceptive Pill Checks & Emergency Contraception
If you require a new contraceptive pill prescription please do not attend the surgery during this time. Please download the attached Pill Form, complete and email to It will then be actioned as normal within 5 working days.
Emergency Contraception
If you have had sex without using contraception, or think your contraception might have failed, you can use emergency contraception.
If you act quickly emergency contraception will usually prevent pregnancy.
The emergency contraceptive pill should be taken within three days of having unprotected sex. It is more effective the sooner it is taken. Please ask for a telephone appointment with one of our GPs or visit your local pharmacy if you think you need the emergency contraceptive pill.
For further information please visit the Family Planning Association website.

Maternity Care
Community Midwives
The team work with the doctors to care for mothers before and after delivery and hold weekly antenatal clinics by appointment.
For your first appointment you will need to ring The Barratt Maternity Home 01604 545430. You may contact them by ringing 01604 545430.

Joint Injections
We provide steroid injections if one of your joints is affected by arthritis, such as your shoulder, knee, elbow or wrist joint. Steroid joint injections can help to reduce pain and swelling in the joint and allows it to move more easily by easing the pain and swelling in soft tissues, e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome or tennis elbow. The pain relief can last for anything from 1 week to 2 months or longer, depending on the type of steroid you have injected. Injections can be repeated every 3 to 4 months, with no more than 3 injections in 1 year. We provide regular clinics for such procedures and our patient feedback from this service demonstrates a consistent high level of satisfaction with this service.
The doctors who provide this service are Drs Viira, Digby, Knight & Balakrishnan.
Please see the following leaflet for further information on minor surgery at Danetre Medical Practice: Minor-Surgery-Patient-Information-Leaflet.doc